Our Team


Saita, from France, came to Laos in 2017 as a backpacker after traveling all around Asia. Tired of traveling solo for about one year she decided to take a break, found immediately a job as a manager of a boutique hotel and fell in love with Luang Prabang and Laos. 

Since she's also working for an international B2B travel agency, she's working more in the background of The Desk Co-Working but always comes in whenever she can.

Saita is passionate about horses and ethology-based riding. Thus she founded the Namkhan Horses Stables in 2018 which is the home of five Hmong horses. It's the only horse-riding stable in Luang Prabang and it's open to the public. You can find more information here.


Chris got stuck in Laos in March 2020 when the Covid pandemic hit. He left his home country Germany on a bicycle mid of 2019 as he attempted to cycle around the world. Instead of taking an evacuation flight back home, he decided to sit the situation out, not knowing that Laos would be one of the most isolated countries in the world during that time. In his mind it would last only 2-3 months which turned out 2.5 years until he was able to visit family and friends in Germany again. 

Chris is managing The Desk Co-Working on the ground but also works remotely for a business consultancy firm in the IT service industry.

He's still traveling the world by bicycle whenever he can. You can find out more about his travels on his website.

(Office Dog & Employee of the Year)

Haiiro, born in August 2021, is a real Lao dog and the fur baby of Saita and Chris. His name comes from Japanese and means "grey" since his fur was grey when he was a puppy. 

Haiiro accompanies Chris to the space on a regular basis but since he's a rather shy boy he's hiding somewhere most of the time. 

However, he loves sitting on the back of Saita's motorbike and enjoys the wind blowing around his nose when driving around town. He also accompanies Saita and Chris on all trips around Laos, no matter if by car, boat or motorbike.

You can say that Haiiro is a real adventure dog.